Oxford Web Studio offers you primarily internet marketing services, but our offer includes graphic design, which we also pay a lot of attention to. In the framework of internet marketing services, we offer web design, web development, SEO optimization and copywriting for the web, in a word, complete web site design with all the administrative ("background") work and optimization. As we have stated, we pay great attention to graphic design. Namely, graphic design is very important for everything that is used in the creation of graphic elements for the website, and the knowledge and creativity that we possess in the field of graphic design is easily applied to the web design, because it is simply one without another imaginable. The software we use is mainly from Adobe packages such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, but also Corel Draw. Graphic design includes 3D modeling that we perform in the 3D Max Studio program. Processing digital photography takes a special place in our offer. Under processing, we mean graphic processing of a photo as desired by the client.

In addition to these services, we also offer Wordpress and Joomla implementation. These two systems are the most popular CMS system in the world, taking into account that Wordpress has a slight advantage over Joomla. If you need a fast website with all the administration to easily update content, then these two systems are the best alternative to you.

Though somewhat outdated and overcome under the sudden seizure of SEO optimization, Flash presentations have always brought a lot of attention to their diversity and animations. Taking into account that you are representing a brand widely known, or want a simple portfolio site for which you do not need too much optimization, Flash is the right thing for you. Our Flash animations will gloss over your imagination, and will not leave you indifferent. In addition to flash sites, we also deal with the creation of flash banners and other advertising material that includes animation and dynamic content.

Web Site Redesign

Depending on client’s desires, the redesign of the web site can be really demanding. Although the ...

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Web Programming

Term “web programming” includes the whole development of the web site or web application for internet ...

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Web design

Oxford Web Studio boasts a team of web designers who will transfer their years of experience in creating ...

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Video Postproduction

Immediately before a particular video is published, a process known as postproduction must be performed. ...

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SEO Optimization

Our Oxford Web Studio team has a long term experience when it comes to contents of web site optimization. ...

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Responsive Webdesign

Responsive Web Design is a new approach to developing websites that first appeared in the CSS3 version. ...

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Processing Of Digital Photography

Everybody who wants to raise the quality of a certain photo to a higher level has digital photography ...

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Internet Marketing

Each company, even the smallest one has its own web site. What is invisible on the internet – it is ...

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Graphic Design

The Oxford Web Studio graphic designers are ready to meet all your ideas and turn them into creative ...

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Google AdWords

Leading motto in the world of success is “Time is money”. No one will indulge in endless research ...

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Facebook Marketing

Facebook is the most popular social network in the world by the fact that the number of its users ...

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E-Mail Marketing

Do you know what is the key thing in selling a product?Advertising! Marketing is the identity card ...

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Development Of Business Software

Development of business software itself is a broad term. It involves the development of a program ...

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Creation Of Web Shop

With the development of internet – the development of internet electronic business is also increasing. ...

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Copywriting For Web Sites

“Copywriting for web” is a term that became quite standard in the world of internet marketing. Simply ...

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3D Modeling

With the goal of helping anyone who needs to digitally view dimensions of a particular product, the ...

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Izrada sajtova u Bootstrap Front-End Framework

Izrada sajtova u Bootstrap Front-End Framework

Bootstrap front-end framework je besplatna kolekcija alata koji se koriste u izradi web sajtova i web aplikacija. Baziran je na CSS stylesheet-u koji u sebi ima definisane sve HTML elemente počevši ...

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Wordpress sites creation

Wordpress sites creation

Based on available data, the now-famous Wordpress platform was first launched at the beginning of the 21st century or on May 27, 2003. This Content Management System Open Source was created with the ...

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Creating Joomla Presentations

Creating Joomla Presentations

The second-largest CMS system, right after the famous Wordpress platform, is certainly Joomla. This is the so-called open source system, within which PHP programming language (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) ...

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Creating Flash Presentations

Creating Flash Presentations

For many visitors, Adobe Flash sites are particularly interesting, and this is presumed to be due to the extremely dynamic animation and content of the presentation itself. However, although the development ...

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